Friday, December 5, 2008

picture taking

I have found there are times you want to make a statement with just one photograph. I do this by putting a large frame around the picture I want to use. This picture was taken using the timer on my camera. It is very easy to use.

I have also found that if I am taking pictures with scrapbooking in mind. I am not going to get the shots that I want. To get around this I take TONS of pictures. For example, one time I spent 3 hours at the pool with my nephew and took over 150 pictures. After editing and deleting I was able to get rid of some of them that there was no way I would be able to use. By doing this I don't have to worry about getting that perfect shot every time. Plus, when you take a lot of pictures you have a lot to choose from. My family knows that I scrapbook everything so they know I will be taking pictures.

  • Have a large memory card for your digital camera. One so large it would be difficult to fill in one event.
  • Empty your memory card before a day of picture taking.
  • Again, don't worry about the perfect picture. Take a lot of pictures, you will have tons to choose from.
  • Know your camera. I have a burst feature, this will take up to 4 pictures in one click of the shutter button. I love it. However, there is no flash on this feature so that can be tricky.
  • Take time to edit your pictures once you download them.
  • Be sure that other people use your camera to get pictures of you too! It will get frustrating not being in any of the pictures. Use the time if you have to.
Happy Scrapping ~

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